The Ward and Massey Libraries
The Ward and Massey Libraries, specializing in the works of the Austrian school of economics and classical liberalism, have been the grateful recipients of a number of valuable collections, including the books of Murray N. Rothbard, Robert Higgs, Richard Ebeling, Bettina and Percy Greaves, Jr., Gary North, Zygmund Dobbs, Robert LeFevre, Sudha Shenoy, and Naomi Moldofsky, among many others.
The special collections and research libraries are located on the first, second, and third floors of the Mises Institute, and are available for in-house use only. The private collection contains over 40,000 items, including books, journals and other materials related to Austrian economics, business, economic history, law, economics and history. Library hours are 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CT, Monday–Friday.
Browse the Collection here
In addition, an ever-increasing number of library titles are also made available as free PDF and ePub files. Furthermore, many titles that are included in the library are also available for purchase in our Bookstore.
Interested in Research at the Mises Institute?
Submit a written request to Dr. Joseph Salerno. The request should include a research proposal, a basic time frame your research would involve, and two letters of reference from faculty who are familiar with your academic work.