Indexabortion, 148
African-Americans, 37–38, 43–46, 102, 160
and conscription, 122
and conservatives, 159
and Rothbard, 151
as colonized people, 41–42, 46
Agnew, Spiro, 127–28
Algeria, 119
Americans for Democratic Action, 61, 62, 159
American Telephone and Telegraph, 50
Anarchism, 125–26, 160
An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought (Rothbard), 11
antiwar movement, 83–84, 100, 109–10, 129–30
and liberalism, 159
Arendt, Hannah, 159
Bay of Pigs, 86
Biafra, 48
Boulding, Kenneth, 137
Bozell, L. Brent, 156
Britain, 69–70
Brown, H. Rap, 13, 46, 57, 160
Brundage, Avery, 96
Brezhnev, Leonid, 116
Bright, John, 152
Buckley, William F., Jr., 12, 147–48, 158–59
as cold warrior, 154–55
Buffett, Howard, 152–53
Bukharin, Nicolai, 131
Bulloff, Jack, 144–45
Burke, Edmund, 156
Burnham, James, 149, 155, 160–61
Business Executives Move for a Vietnam Peace, 55–56
Carmichael, Stokely, 46
Chambers, Whittaker, 155
Chamberlain, John, 155
Chicago Tribune, 152
and Big Business, 158
and Korean war, 153
China, 119, 126, 131–35
and “Cultural Revolution,” 132–34
Chodorov, Frank, 25, 152
Christian Economics, 12
Civil War (US), 48
Cobden, Richard, 152
Coffin, William Sloane, 84
Cohn-Bendit, Daniel, 125
collective security, 27–28
Columbia University, 111, 113–15
Commercial and Financial Chronicle, 152
Committee to Aid the National Liberation Front, 84
Communist Party, 126
China, 131–35
East Germany, 116
ex-communists, 155
France, 120
US, 153
Congress of Racial Equality, 160
conscription, 21–26, 31–34, 73–74, 104, 109, 121–22
and emigration, 110
and jury duty, 39–40
and libertarians, 148, 161
and Old Right, 151–52
The Conservative Mind (Kirk), 155
Conservative Union, 111
conservatism, 62, 63, 147–49
and draft, 160–61
and fascism, 149
and Lyndon Johnson, 62
and McCarthyism, 153–54
and National Review, 154–57
and Nixon, 148
and Old Right, 151–53
and statism, 148, 159
Containment and Change (Oglesby), 1160
Council for a Volunteer Military, 26
crime, 107–08
Cuba, 119
Cyprus, 69–70
Daley, Richard, 107
de Gaulle, Charles, 47, 67–68, 80, 115
de Maistre, Joseph, 156
de Toledano, Ralph, 155
Delury, John, 89–90
Democratic party, 66, 99
Dewey, Thomas E., 128
Dodd, Thomas J., 62
Douglas MacArthur Club, 111
draft, see conscription
Duberman, Martin, 160
Dutschke, Rudi, 116–17, 125
Eccles, Marriner S., 56
education, 15–16, 33–34, 83
and statism, 115–16
Eisenhower, Dwight, 56, 66
environmentalism, 137–45
Evers, Medgar, 117
Fair Deal, 123, 147, 161
Farmer, James, 26
fascism, 76, 83–84, 149
Fifield, James, 12
Fleming, D. F., 157
Flynn, John T., 152
Ford, Henry II, 50
France, 119–20
see also: de Gaulle, Charles
Frankfurter, Felix, 159
Freedom Newspapers, 12
Freedom School, 12
Friedenburg, Edgard Z., 34
Friedman, Milton, 26
Fulbright, William J., 105
Galenson, Walter, 132
Gandhi, Mahatma, 102
Garrison, William Lloyd, 149
Gavin, James M., 66
Garrison, Jim, 75–76
Gaza, 27
General Dynamics, 50
General Electric, 50
General Motors, 50
Germany, 126
Gimbel, Mike, 84
gold, 68, 79–82
Goldwater, Barry, 159
Gomulka, Wadislaw, 116
Goodman, Paul, 34
Greece, 69–70
Griswold v. Connecticut, 138
Grivas, Giorgio, 70
Guevara, Ernesto “Che,” 116
Gulf of Tonkin, 86
Gullander, W. P., 50
gun control, 59–60
Halbrook, Stephen P., 131–35
Hamilton, Alexander, 156
Hamowy, Ronald, 159–60
Hatcher, Richard G., 66
Hatfield, Mark, 66
Herberg, Will, 155
Herbert, Auberon, 152
Hershey, Lewis B., 73, 84
Hess, Karl, 26
Hillenkoeter, Roscoe H., 153
Ho Chi Minh, 116
Hoiles, Raymond C., 12
homesteading, 148
Hook, Sidney, 159
Hoover, Herbert, 153, 160
Hoover, J. Edgar, 73, 125
Hughes, Richard J., 43, 65
Humphrey, Charles, 74
Humphrey, Hubert, 103, 112, 123, 128
and civil liberties, 154
Hungarian Revolution (1956), 119
Industrial Revolution, 140
Israel, 28, 35–36
Japan, 126
Jackson, Andrew, 149
Jackson, Henry M., 86
Jefferson, Thomas, 149, 152, 156
Johnson, Lyndon, 13, 45–46, 50, 61–62, 65–66, 71, 80, 81–82, 93–94
and Eugene McCarthy, 111–12
and peace talks, 105–06
withdraws, 99–100, 103
Jones, LeRoi, 84
Katanga, 48
Kempton, Murray, 86
Kendall, Willmoore, 156
Kennedy, John F., 101, 117
Kennedy, Joseph P., 153
Kennedy, Robert F., 103, 105, 117
Kerr, Clark, 13, 15
Keynes, John Maynard, 51, 52, 82, 152
Keynesianism, see Keynes, John Maynard
King, Martin Luther, 13, 99, 101–02, 107, 117
Kirk, Grayson, 113–14
Kirk, Russell, 155
Kolko, Gabriel, 49, 158
Korean war, 56, 106, 153, 154
Kristol, Irving, 159
Lamont, Corliss, 153
Lefevre, Robert, 12
Left and Right, 12, 159
Lerner, Max, 159
Liggio, Leonard, 12, 157–58
liberalism, 46, 50, 61–62
and Old Right, 147
corporate, 158
of Eugene McCarthy, 112
libertarian movement, 26, 49
and New Left, 135, 159–60
and Nixon, 123–24
“left”-libertarians, 13–14
split with conservatives, 147–49, 157–58
Lindsay, John, 89–90, 107
Liu Shao-chi, 132–33, 135
Lynd, Staughton, 160
Lyons, Eugene, 155
Madison, James, 156
Malthus, Thomas, 140
The Managerial Revolution (Burnham), 160
Mao Tse-tung, 116, 131–35
Malcolm X, 117
Man, Economy, and State (Rothbard), 11
Matthews, J. B., 155
McCarran Act, 154
McCarthy, Eugene, 66, 103, 105–06, 112, 123
McCarthy, Joseph, 153–54
McNamara, Robert S., 22
Mencken, Henry L., 147, 156
Metternich, Klemens von, 156
Meyer, Frank S., 155
Mill, John Stuart, 160
Morton, Thruston, 56, 66
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 159
The Nation, 152
and red-baiting, 153
National Association of Manufacturers, 50
National Liberation Front of Vietnam, 56, 71–72, 87–88, 91–94, 106, 112
program of, 97–98
National Review, 147–49, 154–57, 160
and liberalism, 158–59
and Rothbard, 12
nationalism, 48
NATO, 152
New Deal, 29, 49, 123, 161
and Old Right, 147
The New Leader, 159
New Left, 15–16, 50, 120, 122
and Rothbard, 13–14, 151, 158–60
The New Republic, 153
Niles, Henry E., 56
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 76
Ninth Amendment, 138
Nixon, Richard, 13, 103, 123–24, 127–28
and conservatives, 148
Nock, Albert J., 147, 156, 158
Nunn, Louie B., 65
Oglesby, Carl, 160
O’Hara, Almerin, C., 43–44
Old Right, 12, 151–53
and Robert Taft, 130
Olympics, 95–96
Oswald in New Orleans (Weisberg), 76
pacifism, 107
Paine, Thomas, 149, 152, 156
Partisan Review, 160
Peace and Freedom Party, 151
Percy, Charles, 66
police brutality, 119–20
Power and Market (Rothbard), 11
Progressive movement, 49
Prohibition, 59–60
Quebec, 47–48
Rand, Ayn, 14, 49, 158
Ratliff, John Milton, 73–74
Reagan, Ronald, 13, 16
Republican party, 65–66, 127–30
and McCarthyism, 154
and Old Right, 152
Rockefeller, David, 50
Rockefeller, Nelson, 90, 103, 123
Romney, George W., 66, 103
Roosevelt, Franklin, 61, 62
and civil liberties, 154
Rostow, Walter, 112
Rothbard, Murray N., 11–14
and Old Right, 151–53
and National Review, 156–57
and New Left, 151, 158–60
Rueff, Jacques, 68, 80
Ruml, Beardsley, 54
Rusk, Dean, 77
Russia, 126, 134–35
Savio, Mario, 13, 15
Schlamm, William S., 155
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 155
secession, 47–48
as centrism, 157–58
in Israel, 35–36
on war, 55
Socrates, 156
Spanish-American War, 94
Spencer, Herbert, 152
Spiritual Mobilization, 12
Spock, Benjamin, 84
Spooner, Lysander, 152
Stalin, Joseph, 61, 131
Stassen, Harold, 129
Stokes, Carl, 66
“Strategy for Libertarian Social Change” (Rothbard), 11
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, 46, 57, 160
Students for a Democratic Society, 74, 160
Studies on the Left, 160
Sulzberger, C. L., 125
Taft, Robert A., 130, 147, 149, 152
taxes, 49–52, 148
withholding, 53–54
Taylor Law, 89
Teague, Walter, 84
Thomas, Norman, 26
Thoreau, Henry David, 152, 156
Thoughts of the Young Radicals (Kopind), 160
Thurmond, Strom, 86
Trotsky, Leon, 131
Trotskyists, 134, 160
True, Arnold, 56
Truman, David, 113–14
Truman, Harry, 61, 62
Truman Doctrine, 152–53
Tucker, Benjamin R., 152
Turkey, 69–70
U-2 incident, 86
United Nations, 28, 153
Vietcong, see National Liberation Front of Vietnam
Vietnam war, 13, 43, 44, 45, 55–56, 65, 66, 71–72, 77–78, 85–88, 91–92, 99–100, 109–10, 119
and Eugene McCarthy, 111–12
and liberals, 159
and National Liberation Front, 97–98
and peace talks, 105–06
and Rothbard, 159
The Vigil (Rothbard), 12
Village Voice, 109
Walter, Paul W., Jr., 129–30
Warren Commission, 76
Weisberg, Harold, 76
Westmoreland, William, 92
Wheelwright, E. L., 132
Williams, William Appleman, 158
Wilson, James Harold, 79, 82
Wirtz, Willard, 22
Wittfogel, Karl, 155
World War I, 94
World War II, 94
Wrong, Dennis H., 141
Young Americans for Freedom, 109–10
Zionism, 36
zoning laws, 17