Mises Wire

Gracias a los donantes de nuestra campaña de otoño

«¡Gracias!» a los generosos partidarios, abajo, que donaron a nuestra campaña de otoño. Las mejores personas del mundo apoyan al Instituto Mises.

El objetivo de nuestra campaña de otoño es sencillo —aumentar el número de miembros y nuestra influencia.

Lunes, septiembre 23

Abdelhamid Abdou
Shawn Aktar
William Allen
Omar Altalib
Carl Beckwith
Michael Bensen
Ralph A. Benson
Lynn Bergeron
John Besaw
Vedran Bilanovic
Claudia Bitzer
Shawn Brodof
Barry Capell
Julie Barbeau Capruciu
James Carlyle
Myles Charlesworth, in memory of Robert Charlesworth
Gabriel Clark
Thomas Dougherty, in memory of Mary Irene Dougherty
Chad Dugan
David Eck
James Ellis
George Esworthy
Zoltan Farago
Christoph Fehr
Patrice Fortin
Taylor Fortney
John Fredrickson
Daniel Fritch
Tony Fulgenzi
Mark Fulks
Pedro Gaivao, in honor of Murray Rothbard
Elizabeth Gesenhues
Martin Gibson
Brian Gilton, in memory of Robert Fairhurst Gilton
Andrew Giustina
Michael Gombos
Daniel Graham
Jacob Grams
Dennis Griffin, in honor of Thomas Sowell
Alex Gurvich
John Hartshorne
Kaleb Howell
Hal Howerton
Andreas Hübner
Jonathan Ide
Pavel Ilcik
Aaron Jones
Craig Jones
Vik K.
William Kennihan
Roy Kerr
John Ketchum
Thomas Kirwan
Scott Kohlhafer
Christian Lacelle, in memory of Ludwig von Mises
Gerard LaLonde
Jedidiah Lane
Cameron Lee
Chris Lingwall, in honor of Thomas Sowell
Andrew Linkner
Thomas Lonergan
Matthew Lorence
Mark Machey
Michael McHugh
Petros Michalakopoulos
Robert Miller
Paul Morrison
Carole Muller
Luke Mulligan
Lars-Eric Nagler
Michael Neff
Paul Norris
Edward O’Donnell
James Oliver
Ignacio Olivieri
Dennis Osgood
Peter Petrunya
Sean Phillips
Tammy Pope, in honor of Dr. Ron Paul
Sam Price
Dan Pricop
Andrew Quinn
Mark Rohrbacher
John Sauers
Lou Schroeder
Joey Shao
Darrel Skubinna
Larry Smith
Michael Smith, in memory of Linda
Donald Solow
Darren Sowman
Michael Sterkowitz
Dan Strandholm
Robert Suden
James Swanson
Mac Trench
Marco Ullasci
Wade Weakley
M.T. Webb
Brian Weese
Nolan White
Benjamin Williams
Tyler Williams
Shaun Wood
Roger Woodward
Henry Yorzinski
Juan Zumbado

Todos los donantes aparecerán en nuestra página de inicio esta semana. Los donantes recurrentes de 5 dólares o más, o los donantes únicos de 100 dólares o más, recibirán un ejemplar gratuito de Anatomy of the State de Murray Rothbard.

Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.
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The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. 

Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order. We believe that our foundational ideas are of permanent value, and oppose all efforts at compromise, sellout, and amalgamation of these ideas with fashionable political, cultural, and social doctrines inimical to their spirit.

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