Fall 2024 Campus Mises Book Clubs

Mises Book Club

This fall, students from across the US are participating in reading groups led by scholars at various universities and colleges. These student groups promote deep reading and discussion of works in Austrian economics and libertarian political philosophy.

If you are interested in leading a Mises Book Club at your university or college club for the spring, please reach out to Felicia Jones (felicia@mises.org).

Fall 2024 Mises Book Clubs

Auburn University (Auburn, Alabama), The Betrayal of the American Right
Contact: Dr. Jonathan Newman (jonathan@mises.org)

Cornerstone University (Grand Rapids, Michigan), Economic Controversies
Contact: Dr. Jeff Degner (jeff.degner@cornerstone.edu)

East Carolina University (Greenville, North Carolina), Human Action: A Treatise on Economics
Contact: Dr. Michael Baker (bakermich@ecu.edu)

Grove City College, Mises Society (Grove City, Pennsylvania) Egalitarianism as a Revolt against Nature and Other Essays
Contact: Tamás Klein (kleintx22@gcc.edu)

Oklahoma State University, Institute for the Study of Free Enterprise (Stillwater, Oklahoma), What Has Government Done to Our Money? and Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow
Contact: Dr. Steve Trost (trost@okstate.edu)

University of Mount Olive (Mount Olive, North Carolina), Economic Policy
Contact: Dr. Paul Cwik (pcwik@mises.com)

Available Group Discussion Guides

Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow

For a New Liberty

And more to come!

Other Resources

Study Guide to Human Action by Robert P. Murphy

Study Guide to Man, Economy, and State by Robert P. Murphy

Study Guide to The Theory of Money and Credit by Robert P. Murphy

The Mises University Reader compiled with an introduction by Jonathan Newman

Special thanks to the Dean and Cam Williams Foundation for sponsoring this event.

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