Spring 2025 Virtual Mises Book Club

In January 2025, the Mises Institute will hold its next Mises Book Club, a program that promotes deep reading in Austrian economics.
The reading for this book club will be The Great Austrian Economists, edited by Randall Holcombe.
Each chapter discusses an important Austrian economist (and some proto-Austrians like Richard Cantillon and Frédéric Bastiat). The contributors are all eminent Austrian economist, including Jesús Huerta de Soto, Mark Thornton, Thomas DiLorenzo, Joseph Salerno, Jeffrey Herbener, Peter Klein, Shawn Ritenour, and Hans-Hermann Hoppe.
This is an excellent introductory book for students interested in Austrian economics and the history of economic thought. Not only do you learn about the lives of these great thinkers, but you also trace the development and evolution of key Austrian ideas regarding methodology, money, interest, business cycles, economic calculation, and markets and prices. The Austrian School would not be where it is today if not for the pioneering work of these great economists.
Starting on Monday, January 20, a small group of specially selected undergraduate students will dive deep into this work with Dr. Karras Lambert over eight weekly virtual meetings. The meetings will be held on Monday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. central time, and students will receive complimentary hard copies of the book.
Please apply for a position in the Mises Book Club by Monday, January 6. Decisions will be communicated to all applicants by Friday, January 10.
Scholarship Application Guidelines
Each applicant must provide a copy of the following: student photo ID, unofficial academic transcript, one letter of academic recommendation, and a writing sample.
Writing Sample
A sample of academic writing, either a paper written for a class of a BA or MA thesis, or articles published on mises.org or lewrockwell.com. Any length. Applicants are not expected to write something original specifically for this application.
Code of Conduct Agreement
Please complete the agreement to participate in our student program.
Special thanks to the Dean and Cam Williams Foundation for sponsoring this event.
Publicity Waiver: Registering for this event gives the Mises Institute permission to take photos, record videos, and receive statements of and from attendees for promotional purposes. By this authorization, attendees understand and agree that no participant shall receive remuneration and that all rights, title and interest to the photos, videos, and statements and use thereof belong to the Mises Institute.