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The Misesian | The Misesian (previously The Austrian), published six times a year is unapologetically radical and politically incorrect. Each issue features articles that apply Austrian economics to topics of the day. There is also a conversational interview with a cutting-edge libertarian or Austrian thinker, leading business person, or intellectual entrepreneur, plus insightful reviews by David Gordon in his unique and unwavering viewpoint. In addition, we feature all of the latest on our events, programs, and student news, which is also covered in each issue. |
Mises Wire | The Mises Wire offers relevant short articles from the perspective of an unfettered free market and Austrian economics, including everything from the history of the state, to international trade, to drug prohibition, and business cycles. The Mises Wire is wholly un-PC, often irreverent, and committed to an honest view of the topic from a non-governmental point of view. |
Books | Digital and Online: Our long-term goal is to provide all of the great works of the Austrian school, classical liberalism, and libertarian social philosophy as free digital books. The ideas are timeless, and now these classics, as well as often hard-to-find books are available as free and easy downloads. Audiobooks: Audiobooks are all the rage so we keep adding new titles from our online book catalog to our library of audiobooks monthly and we make them available on various platforms for listening convenience. Print: In a time when academic publishing favors magical thinking over rational analysis of facts, the books published by the Mises Institute are a cornerstone of our constant efforts to encourage world-class contemporary Austrian thought. |
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics | The QJAE is a refereed scholarly journal that promotes the development and extension of Austrian economics and the analysis of contemporary issues in the mainstream of economics from an Austrian perspective. |