Do We Want Free Enterprise?

Vervon Orval Watts

The very idea of “educating the masses” is inconsistent with the ideals of freedom and individualism to which we give lip service. Who are “the masses”? Can the term be more appropriately applied to others than to ourselves? We are all individuals differing in qualities and abilities. We all share a basic human nature capable of self-development. If this be not true then the ideal of freedom is a fanciful myth.

But this ideal is not fanciful, nor is its economic phase, free competitive enterprise. These are attainable. They are attainable if we quit regarding those we would convert as masses or classes. They are attainable if we recognize the individual as the fountainhead of good, of energy, of all that is creative. They are attainable if we acknowledge where attainment must begin: with ourselves.

Do We Want Free Enterprise? by Watts

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Meet the Author
Vervon Orval Watts

Vernon Orval Watts was one of the leading free-market economists of the World War II and postwar eras. Watts was hired by Leonard Read in 1939 to be the economist for the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, of which Leonard was executive director. Watts thereby became the first full-time economist to be employed by a chamber of commerce in the United States. Read later made Watts the leading economist at the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). See Murray Rothbard’s memorial in Making Economic Sense.

Mises Daily Vervon Orval Watts
If government “planners” hold office for short terms, then their decisions must follow the short-term political changes. If they are appointed for long terms, then they must follow the long-term political trends.
Vervon Orval Watts
Murray Rothbard writes the introduction to the reprint of this 1952 gem. It is by V. Orval Watts, one of the leading anti-Keynesians of his time. He is writing during the great entrenchment of the Keynesian perspective within the economics profession
View Vervon Orval Watts bio and works

Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, 1944