The Free Market and Its Enemy

Leonard E. Read

Read explores “the miraculous workings of tiny creativities, the ultimate constituents of the free market, that institution on which depend all liberties, and thus man’s emergence. And [the] State must have its perversions diagnosed if we are clearly to understand how it functions as the inhibitor and enemy of the free market.”

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Meet the Author
Leonard Read
Leonard E. Read

Leonard E. Read was the founder of the Foundation for Economic Education — the first modern libertarian think tank in the United States — and was largely responsible for the revival of the liberal tradition in post–World War II America.

Mises Daily Leonard E. Read
[From Anything That’s Peaceful: The Case for the Free Market, 1964] As I sat contemplating the miraculous make-up of an ordinary lead pencil, the thought flashed in mind: I’ll bet there isn’t a person...
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The Foundation for Economic Education, New York, 1965