If you were putting together a collection of writings by Frank Chodorov, what would you include? It’s an almost impossible task because he wrote so much and there is explosive insight in nearly every piece. The goal might be, as it is in this volume, to include the work that was nearly lost to history because its original venue vanished from public memory.
So the editor of this volume, Charles Hamilton, is to be commended for an outstanding job of finding many of the most rare of Chodorov’s writings from Human Events and Analysis and putting them in a single book.
The energy of his prose and the power of his arguments hasn’t diminished with time; indeed this book shows that Chodorov is for the ages.

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Frank Chodorov was an advocate of the free market, individualism, and peace. He began as a supporter of Henry George and edited the Georgist paper the Freeman before founding his own journal, which became the influential Human Events. He later founded another version of the Freeman for the Foundation for Economic Education and lectured at the Freedom School in Colorado.