The French version of Mises’s The Disintegration of the International Division of Labour.
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Ludwig von Mises was the acknowledged leader of the Austrian school of economic thought, a prodigious originator in economic theory, and a prolific author. Mises’s writings and lectures encompassed economic theory, history, epistemology, government, and political philosophy. His contributions to economic theory include important clarifications on the quantity theory of money, the theory of the trade cycle, the integration of monetary theory with economic theory in general, and a demonstration that socialism must fail because it cannot solve the problem of economic calculation. Mises was the first scholar to recognize that economics is part of a larger science in human action, a science that he called praxeology.
Les Illusions du Protectionnisme et de l`Autarcie, Librairie de Médicis (Paris, 1938). Spanish translation: “Las Illusiones del Proteccionismo y de la Autarquía.” Investigación Económica .(Escuela Nacional de Economía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). 2:1 (First Quarter, 1942). 28-54. Reprinted in Money, Method, and the Market Process. “The Disintegration of the International Division of Labour.” The World Crisis by the Professors of the Graduate Institute of International Studies. London, New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green.(1938) pp. 245-74.