Natural Elites, Intellectuals, and the State

Hans-Hermann Hoppe

This monograph engages the long-running controversy about the origin of the state. Hoppe adopts the theory that extends from a Rothbardian view of the role of elites in society and their monopolistic tendencies. He further maps out a strategy for how the non-state-connected natural elites can turn back the tide of state-connected elites. It is a seminal contribution to the literature with a hopeful roadmap for the future.

24 pg. booklet


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Meet the Author
Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Hans-Hermann Hoppe is an Austrian school economist and libertarian/anarcho-capitalist philosopher. He is the founder and president of The Property and Freedom Society.

Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Block’s call for total war and the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent civilians in Gaza is the complete and uninhibited rejection and renunciation of the nonaggression principle that constitutes one of the very cornerstones of the Rothbardian system.

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