The Path of Duty

Leonard E. Read

“Our grand business,” wrote Thomas Carlyle, “is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.” Thus did he warn us against vainly trying to foretell the future.

So, let us do what lies clearly at hand-right now! This is the formula for structuring a joyous and rewarding future. Let us, as Scott suggested, live in humble gratitude to the Creator of this marvelous universe. Our duty is to advance the freedom way of life, thereby serving ourselves and others.

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Meet the Author
Leonard Read
Leonard E. Read

Leonard E. Read was the founder of the Foundation for Economic Education — the first modern libertarian think tank in the United States — and was largely responsible for the revival of the liberal tradition in post–World War II America.

Mises Daily Leonard E. Read
[From Anything That’s Peaceful: The Case for the Free Market, 1964] As I sat contemplating the miraculous make-up of an ordinary lead pencil, the thought flashed in mind: I’ll bet there isn’t a person...
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The Foundation for Economic Education, New York, 1982