Talking To Myself

Leonard E. Read

Individual emergence is not and never will be accomplished by imposition. Not one of the tactics effective in destructive programs is useful here; indeed, these out-going, reforming efforts do more harm than good. It is difficult enough for oneself to emerge as a better person; impossible to force such change in another. Emergence is exclusively a self-help project; the change is internal, not external.

Talking To Myself by Leonard Read

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Meet the Author
Leonard Read
Leonard E. Read

Leonard E. Read was the founder of the Foundation for Economic Education — the first modern libertarian think tank in the United States — and was largely responsible for the revival of the liberal tradition in post–World War II America.

Mises Daily Leonard E. Read
[From Anything That’s Peaceful: The Case for the Free Market, 1964] As I sat contemplating the miraculous make-up of an ordinary lead pencil, the thought flashed in mind: I’ll bet there isn’t a person...
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The Foundation for Economic Education, New York, 1970