The Wisdom of the Stoics: Selections from Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius

Henry Hazlitt Frances Hazlitt

The Stoic philosophy was founded by Zeno, a Phoenician (c. 320 - c. 250 B.C.), but nothing by him has come down to us except a few fragmentary quotations. He was followed by Cleanthes, then by Chrysippus, and still later by Panaetius and Posidonus. But though Chrysippus, for example, is said to have written 705 books, practically nothing is extant by any of these philosophers except in second-hand accounts. Only three of the ancient Stoics, Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius, survive in complete books.

It is the purpose of this volume to make available generous selections from all three of the great Stoic philosophers.

The Wisdom of the Stoics

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Meet the Author
Henry Hazlitt
Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt (1894–1993) was a well-known journalist who wrote on economic affairs for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Newsweek, among many other publications. He is perhaps best known as the author of the classic, Economics in One Lesson (1946).

Mises Daily Henry Hazlitt
Insofar as austerity has been imposed on the whole British people, it consists in refusing to permit either consumers or producers freedom of choice. The consumer is not free to spend his money on things he himself wants but only on things government officials think are good for him. The producer is not free to make what he wishes but only what government officials think is good for the country.
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From the beginning of history, sincere reformers as well as demagogues have sought to abolish or at least to alleviate poverty through state action. In most cases their proposed remedies have only...
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Frances and Henry Hazlitt
University Press of America, 1984

FRANCES KANES HAZLITT is the author and editor of THE CONCISE BIBLE, a condensation, published by Henry Regnery in 1962. A new edition (both hardcover and paperback) was published by Liberty Press in 1976. A British edition (by Eyre & Spottiswoode) was also published in 1976 and is marketed in a large number of countries.

HENRY HAZLITT, former columnist for the New York Times and later for Newsweek, is the author of eighteen books. The best known is ECONOMICS IN ONE LESSON, which originally appeared in 1946, has been published in ten translations, and in all editions has sold nearly a million copies. His WILL DOLLARS SAVE THE WORLD? (1947) was condensed by THE READER’S DIGEST and published not only in its American but in translations in all its foreign editions. He is also the author of WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT INFLATION (1960 and 1965), THE FAILURE OF THE “NEW ECONOMICS”: AN ANALYSIS OF THE KEYNESIAN FALLACIES (1959 and 1973), THE FOUNDATIONS OF MORALITY (1964 and 1972), THE CONQUEST OF POVERTY (1973), and THE INFLATION CRISIS, AND HOW TO RESOLVE IT (1978 and 1983).

Copyright 1984 by Frances and Henry Hazlitt
ISBN: 0-8191-3871-1 (paperback)