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The Austrian is the flagship physical print publication of the Mises Institute. Each issue features provocative articles by cutting-edge laissez-faire and Austrian thinkers, plus interviews with economists, historians, and other scholars producing new research in the fight for freedom, peace, and free markets. Also included are book reviews by David Gordon, Institute news, and additional commentary by guest writers. It is published six times a year and replaces The Free Market (1983–2013).
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Monetary Policy Flapping in the Wind
Professor Stephanie Kelton is the leading light of a bizarre proposal known as modern monetary theory. Government deficits are a “myth,” because they don’t matter, because they never need to be repaid. Gordon disabuses this magical thinking.
2020: The 1960s Redux?
Amity Shlaes has read Mises and the Austrians, and understands property as the foundation for civilization. She is an expert on the criminally underrated Calvin Coolidge, and a devastating critic of Hoover and FDR’s Great Society schemes. Shlaes is the rare historian who understands economics.