Natural Rights Debate: A Comment On a Reply
In his “A Groundwork for Rights: Man’s Natural End,” Douglas Rasmussen takes issue with a paper I presented at the Fifth Annual L
Ayn Rand and the Is-Ought Problem
Although ethical systems may be divided into those which claim to be objective and those which freely acknowledge their own subjectivity, a special
Public School Movement vs. the Libertarian Tradition
Given the temper of the times it was surprising that following the American Revolution there appeared proposals for national systems of education.
Literature of Isolationism, 1972-1983: A Bibliographic Guide
In this essay, the author updates his monograph The Literature of Isolationism: A Guide to Non-Interventionist Scholarship, 1930-1972
Libertarians and Indians: Proprietary Justice and Aboriginal Land Rights
This paper by Carl Watner discusses the property rights of Native Americans.
Volume 7, Number 1 (1983)
Public Goods and Externalities: The Case of Roads
When government monopolization of the roadways is discussed by economists, the “externalities” argument is usually raised.
Social Contract as a Basis of Norms: A Critique
In this note I will argue that social contract theories aimed at establishing norms for personal and community life are inadequate.
Land-Use Planning: Implications of the Economic Calculation Debate
The recent widely cited National Agricultural Lands Study (NALS) adds to the growing number of individuals and organizations holding the view that
In Defense of Natural End Ethics: A Rejoinder to O’Neil and Osterfeld
Patrick M. O’Neil and David Osterfeld have offered some criticisms of our natural end interpretation and defense of Rand’s ethics.