Individualism and the Industrial Revolution
Marx and Engels denied that the individual played a role in historical evolution, and the idea of "individualism" remains an important antidote to Marxism today.
Marx and Engels denied that the individual played a role in historical evolution, and the idea of "individualism" remains an important antidote to Marxism today.
Big business, the target of the most fanatic attacks by the so-called leftists, produces almost exclusively to satisfy the wants of the masses. In fact, serving the masses is the main occupation of the "capitalist."
The American economy could not recover from legislative onslaughts by both the Republican and then the Democratic administrations. Individual enterprise, the mainspring of unprecedented wealth, didn't have a chance.
Do your neighbors do things that annoy you? Just give the government a call. They're ready and willing to assist with any effort that increases their power and influence, 24/7.
Under Truman, FDR's revolution was consolidated and advanced beyond what even Franklin Roosevelt had ever dared hope for.
Monetary inflation helped bring on the Terror and set French progress back a generation.
As leader of the laissez-faire radicals in England, James Mill was a master of political strategy, although some of his methods were rather morally deficient.
As notorious as the Democrat political machines are, writes Thomas DiLorenzo, the origins of vote fraud in America lie in the party of Lincoln.
"Surely, any endorsement of a 'free' market in slaves indicates the inadequacy of utilitarian concepts of property and the need for a theory of justice."
Historical revisionism is the process of unmasking government excuses for the state's many crimes.