Mises Wire

America: Freedom to Fascism

America: Freedom to Fascism

Since V for Vendetta garnered much interest on this site, I thought people would be interested in Aaron “Hollywood” Russo’s new documentary: America: Freedom to Fascism.

Readers of Murray Rothbard’s History of Money and Banking in the United States, and his What Has Government Done to Our Money? will be familiar with some of the material. Even the Mises Institute’s DVD release Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve covers much of the material in great depth.

Still, Russo is crisscrossing America with his documentary trying to raise awareness of the destructive role the Fed, the income tax, and the latest police measures are playing in the lives of American citizens.

A few long trailers are available, including one where Rep. Ron Paul is featured stating: “You have to get permission from the government for almost everything and if that is the definition of a police state that you can’t do anything unless the government gives you permission then we are well on our way.”

I also recommend a candid question and answer session with Russo at the Landmark Cinema and Borders bookstore in Chicago on 7/30/06 after a screening of the film.

Also, don’t miss the Mises Circle in Manhattan on September 16 where the topic will be “The Fed and War Finance.”

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