Mises Wire

Can You Drink Coke at a Match Sponsored by Pepsi?

Can You Drink Coke at a Match Sponsored by Pepsi?

Should you be able to wear orange lederhosen at a World Cup match? Or be forced to enjoy the event in your undergarments?

Or specifically, should you be able to wear orange “leeuwenhose” with a Bavaria logo, Holland’s second biggest brewery, even though they are not an official World Cup sponsor? Does not being a sponsor of the event enable Fifa to strip ticket holders of their pants and put them in the trash in order to protect the interests of their sponsors?

Should you not be able to wear Nike’s at an Adidas sponsored event and thus have to risk going barefoot if caught?

I understand Fifa is entitled to defend itself against “ambush marketing,” but that doesn’t seem to be the intent of the “leeuwenhose,” nor do they seem to have an explicit rule against it. I think the fans would’ve liked to have known if their knickerbockers were about to be confiscated.

Will you have to sign an affidavit that you will exclusively search with Yahoo, eat McDonalds, and drink Budweiser 24 hours before and after attending a World Cup match in order to satisfy Fifa sponsors?

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