Mises Wire

Interesting Timing


Apropos Rothbard on animal “rights,” this is from today’s edition of Garrison Keillor’s radio program, The Writer’s Almanac:

It’s the birthday of one of the most influential and controversial philosophers of the 20th century, Peter Singer, born in Melbourne, Australia (1946). His book Animal Liberation (1975), which is generally credited with starting the animal rights movement, has sold more than a million copies and is estimated to have converted more people to vegetarianism than any other book ever written.

But Singer has said he is disappointed by the book’s impact. He said, “When I wrote it, I really thought the book would change the world. I know it sounds a little grand now, but at the time the ‘60s still existed for us. It looked as if real changes were possible, and I let myself believe that this would be one of them. All you have to do is walk around the corner to McDonald’s to see how successful I have been.”

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