Mises Wire

Mark Cuban on GooTube

Mark Cuban on GooTube

He thinks Google is crazy and that it will be very interesting to see what happens next in the copyright world:

“I still think Google lawyers will be a busy, busy bunch. I don’t think you can sue Google into oblivion, but as others have mentioned, if Google gets nailed one single time for copyright violation, there are going to be more shareholder lawsuits than Doans has pills to go with the pile-on copyright suits that follow...

“I think there will be supoenas to get the names of YouTube and Google Video users. Lots of them, as those copyright owners not part of the gravy train go after both Google and their users for infringement...

“It will be interesting to see just how Google reconciles selling videos like “Crazy in Love” from Sony when the same video is available as a user upload for free from YouTube...

“And what if I’m completely, absolutely wrong and no one sues anyone? That everyone just loves the fact that their content is available to tens of millions of viewers and advertisers and YouTube and Google definitely qualify to be protected behind the Safe Harbors of the DMCA?..

“Well, I’m ready for that too. I went ahead and registered effingreat.com because that’s how much fun it’s going to be using Filesanywhere.com features to support a ‘load everything you own and share it with world’ Web site...

“Only I will expand the storage beyond 100 mb and will open it up to books, term papers, pictures, movies, music, articles, anything and everything that can be digitized. I will add the appropriate disclaimers and provide a cool social networking interface. Maybe something like Goowy.Com or maybe something like Flixster.com. I mean, why not? What could be cooler user generated content than the term paper you wrote on Daniel Boone? Or what could be more interesting than scanning in a book you wanted to give to someone and just posting it? And dang, just wholesale upload all of your MP3s.”

Does Mark Cuban need a lesson in intellectual property rights? He has a point in this legal environment, but shouldn’t he just trust his sarcasm and fight the good fight?

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