Mises Wire

New Hampshire: A Model For The Nation

New Hampshire: A Model For The Nation

Why does it always have to be California? New York? Massachusetts?

Why not New Hampshire?

New Hampshire: The Land of “Live Free or Die: Death is not the worst of evils.”

The home of Daniel Webster, Horace Greeley, Mary Baker Eddy, Franklin Pierce, Robert Frost, Maxfield Parrish, Alan B. Shepard Jr, J.D. Salinger, Ken Burns, and Dean Kamen.

Home of the fourth-largest legislative body in the English speaking world with 400 members. Only the US House, the British House of Commons and the Indian Parliament are larger. The position pays just $100 per year plus mileage.

The land of no state income tax, no sales tax, no mandatory seatbelt law, no motorcycle helmet law, no mandatory car insurance, no non-smoking laws, no trans-fats ban, no prohibition on foie gras, aluminum baseball bats reign free, cell phone calls allowed whenever you feel the need to take the call, mail order pharmaceutical plans, Wal-Mart, candy-flavored cigarettes, the last death penalty execution occurred in 1939, no mandatory public kindergarten, and a semblance of local control.

Why California? Why New York? Why Massachusetts?

Where you are told where to smoke, where to work, where to play, what to eat, what to do, what to drive, when to educate your child, when to laugh, when to fish, how to cook, how to invest, and how to live...

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