Mises Wire

The November Issue of The Free Market Is Now Online!

The Free Market

The November issue departs from our usual format and takes a look back at 2014 with a special focus on the Mises Institute’s scholars and alumni.

Be sure to check out our interview with Ray Walter, a Mises University Alum who is now working on his PhD in physics and mathematics at the University of Arkansas:

Ray Walter: At the Mises Institute, I became part of an international community of faculty, staff, and research fellows specializing in economics, history, law, philosophy, and other fields. My experience with the Institute taught me the informal and professional aspects of intellectual interaction with international scholars of varying experience; how to integrate oneself into a global network of scholars, including collaborating with individuals in different hemispheres; and how scholarly colleagues can be a source of support or encouragement, regardless of how one’s intellectual interests evolve.

We also spoke with Audrey Redford, a 2014 Summer Fellow at the Mises Institute and a doctoral student at Texas Tech University:

Audrey Redford: Being a Summer Fellow reaffirmed my desire to be an academic. It reminded me why I got into this line of work in the first place, and that was to research subjects that I enjoy and to interact with other scholars while we learn from one another. During my time as a Fellow, I was introduced to new articles and books that will help me with future research projects. I also got a lot of feedback about writing styles and presentation methods that will definitely help me in my future, particularly on the road to applying for my first academic position.

In November’s issue, you’ll also find a year-end message from Mises Institute President Jeff Deist, plus photos and recaps from our student programs including Mises University and the Summer Fellowship Program.

A subscription to physical copies of The Free Market is available to all who request them. Simply send your name and mailing address to membership@mises.org.

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