Mises Wire

The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness

David Beito at the Liberty & Power Blog recommends the film The Pursuit of Happyness with Will Smith which is currently in the theatres. He writes:

I hereby give Pursuit of Happyness a glowing endorsement. It is a compelling, energetic, and unabashed celebration of free markets, individual responsibility, and old-fashioned pluck. Based on a true story, Will Smith plays Chris Gardner, a man who never lets up in his dream of becoming a stockbroker despite the responsibilities of a young son and the lack of a college education.

While the critics have generally praised the film, it has rubbed some of them the wrong way. More than a few have found it hard to stomach the novelty of a sympathetic black character in a major Hollywood film who aspires to be a stockbroker and quotes Thomas Jefferson without irony or apology.

The film got good marks for quality from the great Filmspotting podcast. I haven’t seen it myself yet, but it sounds like a film for the Film Page.

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