Mises Wire

Putting The Straw Back Into Straw Man

Putting The Straw Back Into Straw Man
Monsanto Suing Farmers Over Piracy Issues:
In this way, Monsanto is attempting to protect its business from pirates in much the same way the entertainment industry does when it sues underground digital distributors exploiting music, movies and video games.
Other IP issues aside, the AP writer conflated two seperate issues. The farmers in these lawsuits signed contracts with Monsanto which explicity stipulated the conditions of their agreement. So they have only themselves to blame for the ire brought forth by the hand that feeds them. On the other hand, neither you, nor I have signed a contract with any record company stipulating what we can and cannot do with the contents of a CD. So the supposed similarity between the Monsanto lawsuits and the RIAA is spurious.
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