Walter Block articles recently put online, here:
- A Comparison of Economic Correctness and Political Correctness, Humanomics, Vol 20, No 3 - 4, pp 14 - 25
- Ayn Rand and Austrian Economics Two Peas in a Pod, Journal of Ayn Rand Studies - Vol 6, No 2, Spring 2005, pp 259 - 269
- Block v. Epstein Debate on Eminent Domain, NYU Journal of Law and Liberty, Vol 1, No 3, pp 1144 - 1169 (with Epstein; moderated by Huebert)
- The Jews and Capitalism: A love -Hate Relationship Enigma. “ The Journal of Social Political and Economic Studies, Fall, Vol. 29 No.3, pp. 305 -326
- The Paradox of Coase as a Defender of Free Markets - NYU Journal of Law & Liberty, Vol 1, No. 3 - pp 1075 - 1095 (with William Barnett, II and Gene Callahan)
- Government and Market: A critique of Professor james Buchanan’s “What should Economics Do?
- Mises, Rothbard, and Salerno on Costs - Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol 3, No. 2 - Winter 05 - 06 - pp 203 - 205 (with Barnett)
- Perfect Competition A Case of Market-Failure - Corporate Ownership and Control, Summer 2006, Vol 2, No 4 - pp 70 - 75 (with Barnett and Saliba)
- Private Parks and Walkways Under Free Enterprise - Ethics, Place, and Environment - June 2005, Vol 8, No 2. pp 201 - 208
- Professor Tullock on Austrian Business Cycle Theory - Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 8, pp 431 - 443 (with Barnett)
- Space Environmentalism, Property Rights, and the Law (with J.H. Huebert)