Mises Wire

“Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November!”

“Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November!”

The true story behind that record breaking day as told by the originator of the idea and creator of the first youtube video to promote it, James Sugra:

The message started on Oct 11th, 2007. I just got home from work and did my normal routine, logged on to my favorite websites and checked out what was the good message for the day for Ron Paul. I have been an avid supporter for the last 7 months supporting him in many ways from donating to being active online. I’ve been a lifelong Republican since the first time I was able to vote. Please note: I did not vote for Bush the second time, but I did support his original message which Dr. Paul proclaims as good policy. I got my inspiration from someone saying we need a day where we can all do a mass donation. I immediately thought of November 5th as being a great day to do this but I figured someone had already thought of it. I searched the web for an hour typing in key words and nothing came up. There was an energy that came over me. To this day I still do not understand it. I started posting a viral message all over the web under different aliases to get the word out on the streets. I tried contacting some of the most popular authors of Ron Paul YouTube videos. I thought to myself it was time to take action. On Oct 15th, I launched the initial video. I spent 4 hours making November 5th for Ron Paul. Immediately I was faced with the question: how many donors were feasible? So I went to the spots where Ron Paul supporters gather: MySpace, Face book, YouTube and Meet Up to figure out what a good number would be... The message was never about “V for Vendetta” or Guy Fawkes, although my first video was inspired by that idea. I figured it was a good hook that could inspire people to participate in a mass donation... This was never about a violent revolution it was about fighting fire with fire. The media had down played almost all Ron Paul’s success. I created a message that made people stop, think and put their money where it counted; in Dr. Paul’s campaign for undisputed validity...

“November 5th for Ron Paul!” initial video. The complete account.

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