Mises Wire

Roger Garrison’s Book now in store

Roger Garrison’s Book now in store

Professor Roger Garrison is a leader in the field of Austrian macroeconomics, and has had a burning passion his whole career to present Austrian business cycle theory in terms that mainstream economists can understand and identify. This book represents the culmination of his efforts in that regard. He sets the Austrian theory against the Keynesian and mainstream theory, and shows how they different in terms of the relationship between money, interest, capital, and investment. By doing this, he not only shows the precise way in which Keynesian theory makes unrealistic assumptions about the way the world works; he also shows how the Austrian theory more fully captures the actual workings of the market in real-world settings. He thereby goes a long way toward refining the positive theory. In particular, this volume is useful (and famed) for its clear graphical exposition of the trade cycle theory. He shows the interrelationship between all the factors that affect investment, without leaving out critical dynamic issues such as time and the heterogeneity of the capital stock. This books is useful for anyone who seeks to gain the clearest possible perspective on the mechanics of the business cycle. But it will be especially appreciated by those who are confronted with Keynesian-style modelling in school or professional life. The book was published in 2006, and is made available here at a price far lower than the original publisher put on the book. The hope is that it will lead to wide distribution of this important and modern contribution to Austrian macroeconomics.

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