In 10 Austrian Vices and How to Avoid Them, Peter Leeson offers advice such as
1. Stop block quoting Mises and Hayek ...
4. No more discussions about the calculation debate. ...
5. Get over the “subjectivism stuff.” ...
8. Do not engage (i.e., make the focus of your research) work that is more than 25 years old. ...
9. Don’t tell us what Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, etc. “really meant.”
10. Stick a fork in the “philosophy talk.”
Other helpful advice, in the comments to this thread, include:
It is time for Austrians to follow Prof Leesons advice — stop prattling on about subjectivism & capital theory, natural law, natural rights, thymology, praxeology, & similar nonsense that the average player in the economics profession does not know about & would not care about (|& think kooky) if they did know about it.
Also of interest is Joe Salerno’s contribution to this debate (also posted as a comment on a related thread):
I have to agree with Pete Leeson and Dan Klein in this discussion. Pete Boettke does not adequately meet their objections. If one’s goal is a successful career at a top, or even mid-tier, government-funded research university, then the habits and inclinations they enumerate are indeed “vices to be avoided.” I would add a twelth vice to be avoided at all costs: characterizing oneself as an Austrian economist. The contemporary modal mainstream economist neither knows nor cares what an “Austrian economist” is. You do yourself no favors by self-reference in terms of any school of thought; it will only muddy the waters, mark you as an eccentric, and not improve your chances at landing a job at a top forty research university. I gently chide Pete Leeson who seems to have lapsed into precisely this vice by referring to his “young Austrian students” in his post on “10 Vices to Be Avoided by Austrians.”