Mises Wire

The Statue of Liberty Stands Tall

The Statue of Liberty Stands Tall

Brian Doherty writes in The New York Sun: New York City is the celebrated center for many vital aspects of American culture: publishing, finance, and the arts. It rarely has been credited, however, as a cutting-edge leader in political ideologies.

But New York also is the breeding ground for a unique and growing American political tendency — the modern American libertarian movement. It might seem ironic that a city that has been, at various times, one of the most overly governed and poorly governed of American cities should be a launching point for the political philosophy of strictly — sometimes totally — limited government. But it is, because of virtues that no amount of poor, local government can kill.

...Ayn Rand...Ludwig von Mises...Murray Rothbard...

Of course, everyone in the smart set knows it has now moved to Auburn.

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