Mises Wire

Week in Review: February 18, 2017

Janet Yellen

This week, Janet Yellen was again before Congress to once again kick the can down the road. The position of Yellen and the Fed appears to be, yet again, that they’ll some day move back toward what might be called more “normal” monetary policy. For the foreseeable future, though, it looks like the “new normal” is ultra-low interest rates, failing economic models, and continued growth in power for both the central bank and the crippling regulatory state that continues to drive up costs and weigh businesses down.

On Mises Weekends, we welcome back Michael Boldin, founder of the Tenth Amendment Center and fearless advocate for political decentralization. Michael joins us next weekend at our event in San Diego, so we decided to ask him about the burgeoning CalExit movement and the Left’s newfound appreciation for secession. Think California couldn’t survive as an independent country? Think the current US boundaries are written in stone? If so, Michael will change how you think about the possibility of local rule in a deeply divided America. Stay tuned.

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And in case you missed any of them, here are this week’s articles from Mises Wire:

Image Source: Federal Reserve
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