Mises Wire

Week in Review: March 25, 2017

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Our guest on Mises Weekends is Professor Per Bylund, a man who studies entrepreneurship for a living. Why is the role of the entrepreneur — the individual who risks capital, time, and energy to build a business — almost completely disregarded by most economists? Does the Austrian focus on individual human action explain why business schools are far more willing to embrace Austrian principles? Can real-world entrepreneurs improve their business skills in traditional university settings, or are much-hyped campus incubators a waste of time? Why do progressives dismiss entrepreneurs with their “You didn’t build that” mentality? And how do socialist policies in places like Dr. Bylund’s native Sweden kill the spirit that makes us rich? Join Jeff and Per for an insightful discussion of “Who Built That?”

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And in case you missed any of them, here are the articles featured this week on the Mises Wire:

Image Source: Phil Roeder flickr.com/photos/tabor-roeder/
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