The Accad and Koka Report

Mary Davenport and George Delgado on Reversing Medical Abortion

The Accad & Koka Report
Michel Accad, MD Anish Koka

Our guests Mary Davenport and George Delgado have developed a treatment protocol that can reverse the effects of the abortifacient mifepristone and be given to women who change their mind after a medical abortion. They tell us the story of their pioneering work and of the international network of physicians that is now in place to provide the therapy. We discuss the challenges that remain when the medical establishment is ideologically resistant to supporting women in their second choice.


  • Abortion Pill Rescue website
  • Delgado, G, et. al. A Case Series Detailing the Successful Reversal of Mefiprestone Using Progesterone (In Issues in Law and Medicine)
  • Creinin, M, et al. Mifepristone Antagonization with Progesterone to Prevent Medical Abortion: A Randomized Clinical Trial (free access in Obstetrics and Gynecology)
  • Graham, R. A New Front in the War Over Reproductive Rights: “Abortion-Pill Reversal” (in The New York Times)
  • Grossman D and White K. Abortion “Reversal”: Legislating Without Evidence (in New England Journal of Medicine)