The Accad and Koka Report

Stephen Senn: N-of-1 Trials and Beyond

The Accad & Koka Report
Michel Accad, MD Anish Koka

Our guest is Professor Stephen Senn, a world renowned statistician whose career has spanned the gamut of activities that involves statistical analysis in medicine, from teaching to research to consultancy. Professor Senn obtained his PhD in Statistics from the University of Dundee and became a Chartered Statistician from the Royal Statistical Society in 1993. He has held professorships at University College London and at the University of Glasgow. He is the author of several books, notably Statistical Issues in Drug Development and Dicing with Death: Chance, Risk, and Health.


  • Stephen Senn, PhD: Twitter and Website

  • Wood FA, et al. N-of-1 Trial of a Statin, Placebo, or No Treatment to Assess Side-Effects (Open Access in New Engl J Med)

  • Araujo, A Julious S, Senn S. Understanding variation in sets of N-of-1 trials (Open Access in PLOS One)

  • Senn S. Statistical pitfalls of personalized medicine (Open Access in Nature)

  • Senn S. Mastering Variation: Variance components and personalized medicine (Open Access in Stat in Med)