Power & Market

For Austrian Scholars: Theory Development Workshop at OSU (Application Deadline This Saturday)

For Austrian Scholars: Theory Development Workshop at OSU (Application Deadline This Saturday)

A notice from Steve Trost, Director Institute for the Study of Free Enterprise at Oklahoma State University:

(Note that the deadline for applications is this Saturday (10/19) at 8p CDT.)

Greetings Mises Fellows & Senior Fellows, and Associated Scholars!

Mark Packard (Florida Atlantic Univ.) and I have been organizing a Theory Development Workshop (TDW) that will take place November 7 & 8 in Stillwater, OK.  The workshop will be led by Mark Packard, Jeff McMullen, and Per Bylund.

We have titled the workshop Exploring & Developing New Theoretical Approaches to Market-Based Management & Entrepreneurship.

It would be great to have a significant portion of the participants be those specializing in theory development from an Austrian perspective.  All three of the TDW’s co-leaders are Austrian friendly and Dr. Per Bylund is, of course, a brilliant Austrian theorist.

Please forward this notice to any and all PhD students and early-career faculty (i.e. non-tenured) who might be interested in participating.

The application merely requires a 3-paragraph draft “Introduction” in accordance with the guidelines set forth by Jay Barney in his Academy of Management Review article entitled “Positioning a Theory Paper for Publication” which can be found here or here.

Young scholars interested in participating (PhD students and early-career faculty) can submit conceptual-paper ideas any time between now and this Saturday, Oct 19.  Young scholars who are accepted as participants and attend the workshop (and are not Oklahoma residents) will receive a $750 travel stipend plus up to two (2) nights on-campus lodging at The Atherton Hotel.

In addition, any and all students and faculty are invited to attend as observers.

Those interested in participating or attending can pre-register at bit.ly/TDW-Pre.  Those interested in participating will then receive a separate link to the online submission form.

Attached is a detailed announcement.  Details are also available online at fe.okstate.edu/tdw

Please forward this announcement to any PhD students or early-career faculty you know who might be interested in applying.

Each paper idea must be tailored to adhere to the guidelines provided by Dr. Jay Barney in his Academy of Management Review (AMR) article entitled “Positioning a Theory Paper for Publication,” which can be accessed via either of the following URL links:

I am attaching the revised call for submissions, but all pertinent info is also available online at fe.okstate.edu/tdw/

Here are the relevant pre-registration and submission links:

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