Power & Market

Fifty Years of Environmentalist Lies

First pollution would cause a new ice age unless we destroyed capitalism and replaced it with socialism and central planning.

That didn’t work out, so then we were told that capitalism was causing global warming and therefore must be destroyed and replaced with socialism and central planning.

That didn’t work out either, so then we were told that capitalism is causing climate change and therefore must be destroyed and replaced by socialism and central planning.

That didn’t happen, so now capitalism must be destroyed and replaced by socialism and central planning with a “great reset” known as the “Green New Deal.”

Fifty years of eco-pocalyptic predictions that turned out to be lies.

Happy Earth Day!  And to Klaus Schwab, who displays a framed picture of V.I. Lenin on his office wall, Happy Lenin’s Birthday, too!

Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.
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