Power & Market

Paul Cantor on Zombies, Pop Culture, and the CDC

Paul Cantor, longtime Mises Institute scholar and author of Pop Culture and the Dark Side of the American Dream, recently was featured in an Arizona State University miniroundtable “The Walking Dead, the Post-Zombie Apocalypse, and the American Capacity for Resilience.” Cantor discusses how popular culture has partly formed our views of pandemics. Among the evidence is the portrayal of the CDC as an organization that is either evil or incompetent. Or both. The Walking Dead, for example, implies the CDC may have caused the zombie pandemic. Cantor points out some eerie parallels between the world of The Walking Dead and the world of the 2020 pandemic. Here is the video:

Cantor also mentions the bizarre comic book put out several years ago by the CDC called Zombie Pandemic. It can be read here.

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Image Source: CDC
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