Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics

Review of Lives at Risk: Single-Payer National Health Insurance Around, by John Goodman, et al., and Miracle Cure: How to Solve America’s Health Care Crisis and Why Canada Isn’t the Answer, by Sally Pipes

The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics


Volume 9, No. 3 (Fall 2006)


The return of true free-market health care institutions will never be through the incrementalism of small tax changes and medical-savings accounts that Goodman et al., and Pipes envision. Goodman et al., and Pipes come to the table with hat in hand ready to bargain away solutions that would truly deal with the real  pathologies found in American and Canadian medical markets. They then hope to get gradual reform through by sneaking “free-market” legislation past the statist gatekeepers. If these are laissez-faire’s champions, is it any wonder why the growth of Leviathan in both nations remains so unchecked?


Steinrich, Dale. “Review of Lives at Risk: Single-Payer National Health Insurance Around,” by John Goodman, et al., and “Miracle Cure: How to Solve America’s Health Care Crisis and Why Canada Isn’t the Answer,” by Sally Pipes. The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 9, No. 3 (Fall 2006): 75–85.


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