This is an extraordinary presentation by Michael Masnick on the pheneomenon on Trent Reznor and the Nine Inch Nails, and how to make money in music without calling upon the state. It is an amazing presentation that is all about marketing and innovation, breaking old models and experimenting with new ones. You might say that the story is about
Schwarzenegger has declared a state of emergency. The CDC is working on a vaccine. Medical muckymucks are warning of “pandemic potential” and telling people to reduce all human contact by 50% and stand 6 feet away from all people. New York schools are shutting down. In Chicago, school kids have been instructed not to shake hands. The Obama
Somehow I knew it. I knew that someone, somewhere, would solve the whole tree stand issue. The problem is obvious enough. Nature did not intend for the top 10 feet of a tree to be hacked off and stuck inside living rooms for a few weeks a year and hence nature did not provide technology to make this possible. No man appeared to have provided for
Corey Robin reviews the two new books on Ayn Rand, including my favorite among them by Jennifer Burns , in this week’s The Nation . It makes for a gripping read, if you can stand the posturing throughout. The Nation serves up the predictable usual (wouldn’t it make life more interesting if political rags said something unpredictable from time to
Bagus explains the moral hazard here . The problem is that Ireland is too big to fail, and it is guaranteed by the ECB. News story : A spokesman for the ECB said the Irish Central Bank is itself creating the money it is lending to banks, not borrowing cash from the ECB to fund the payments. The ECB spokesman said the Irish Central Bank can create
Interesting how 6400 videos of political clips can be pulled –by force of law–by youtube and people stand around grumbling but essentially granting the rights of youtube to pull the material and the rights of C-Span and others to insist that it be pulled. In fact, this is the suppression of ideas and free speech through brute force, no different
The WSJ reports that used car prices are soaring. “The price of used cars is just crazy right now,” said Adam Lee, chairman of Maine dealer Lee Auto Malls. His dealership is paying hefty sums for cars it normally might not purchase to have a full inventory. “It can be a piece of junk—cars we used to pay $2,000 or $2,500 for, we are now paying
That’s the headline on this article from St. Petersburg Times: “Cuba’s leaders see private farmers as key to saving socialism.” It is an interesting read, further documenting the failure of all forms of socialism. Someone in the White House should read this. But is the notion itself absurd? The undoing of socialism is the solution being discussed
Janet Yellen, vice chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, told the Wall Street Journal that without massive printing of money “I’m having a hard time seeing where really robust growth can come from.” Let’s see, just thinking out loud here: enterprise, entrepreneurship, the expansion of the division of labor, savings, investment, capital accumulation,
What is the Mises Institute?
The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard.
Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order. We believe that our foundational ideas are of permanent value, and oppose all efforts at compromise, sellout, and amalgamation of these ideas with fashionable political, cultural, and social doctrines inimical to their spirit.