Let’s see here . The police were helping in the post-flood looting, and now the police are grabbing guns from homeowners who are trying to protect themselves. Says the NYT: “no civilians in New Orleans will be allowed to carry pistols, shotguns, or other firearms of any kind.” The police super says: “Only law enforcement are allowed to have
US-backed government kills another 150 , and the dead should probably grateful: “We are warning those who have given shelter to terrorists that they must stop, kick them out or else we will cut off their hands, heads and tongues as we did in Tal Afar,” said the defense minister of liberated
Reading H.G. Wells’s War of the Worlds , I was struck by this passage: “That day [Martians were attacking, etc.] the scattered multitudes began to realise the urgent need of provisions. As they grew hungry the rights of property ceased to be regarded. Farmers were out to defend their cattle-sheds, granaries, and ripening root crops with arms in
The whole tenor of the Bush’s administration’s energy policy sounds creepier every day. Now we have Bush telling us that if we can avoid going “on a trip that’s not essential, that would be helpful.” This is his proposal on how “we can all pitch in.” As the New York Times points out , this is reversal from past administration statements. How far
Here is a long article in Polish on the work of Hans Hoppe, but the best part is the cover, which features Pope Benedict and Hoppe together (ok in separate photos).
Like most Mises.org readers, I’ve enjoyed continuing enlightenment from the changing quotations by Mises on the homepage and blog. I was struck by this one that just popped up among the 1,400: “Louis XIV was very frank and sincere when he said: I am the State. The modern etatist is modest. He says: I am the servant of the State; but, he implies,
Among Bush’s many defeats we must include the proposal to “privatize” Social Security—a cockamamie and deliberately foggy scheme that tried to pass itself off as increased choice but upon close inspection revealed itself to be nothing more than a scheme of forced savings and socialized investment. Yes, it was to be “pay as you go” in contrast to
Thousands show up for computer sale : People trampled, beaten with a folding chair. A woman urinating on herself. The police called, then themselves calling for backup. All to get a bargain. The stampede erupted Tuesday when a crowd estimated at 5,500 showed up at the Richmond International Raceway to purchase 1,000 used Apple iBook laptop
U.S. Sets Fuel-Economy Limits, Categories for Trucks (Bloomberg) Treasury Department Claims Power to Seize Gold, Silver--and Everything Else, GATA Says (Business Wire)
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The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard.
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