(Barthelemy) Charles (Pierre Joseph) Dunoyer (1786–1862) was born on May 20, 1786 at Carennac in ancient Turenne (Quercy, Cahorsin), the present-day Lot. His father, Jean-Jacques- Philippe Dunoyer, was seigneur de Segonzac. Destined at an early age for the order of St. Jean de Malte, he began his education in the order’s near-by house at Martel.
Volume 7, Number 2 (1985) Introduction Richard Cantillon’s life and his Essai occurred at a time of transition in European political, economic and intellectual history. The late seventeenth century had experienced the crisis in European thought which paralleled the Scientific Revolution. Accompanying the scientific revolution was a revolution in
Murray N. Rothbard was the consummate scholar in several fields. From my first meeting with Murray Rothbard, attending Ludwig von Mises seminar at New York University, more than forty years before the sadness of his death, I knew him longest as an economic historian. The post-1945 period saw a great deal of attention for history, economic history,
Sidney Lens, by his analysis of the roots of the Cold War In The Futile Crusade, Anti-Communism as American Credo , challenges observers of American politics to a total re-examination of the American political scene. Lens demolishes the anti-Communist crusade’s claim to be the preserver of individual liberty by contrasting the claim with its
During the 1964 Democratic National Convention,the American people waited while Lyndon Johnson met with the two senators, Thomas Dodd and Hubert Humphrey, between whom he would choose his vice-president. For those who were not confused by the superficial differences between them, the meeting of the three symbolized one of the major traditions in
The anti-imperialist American youth of today are, without realizing it. following in a great tradition of modern anti-imperislism inaugurated during the burgeoning of US imperialism at the time of the Spanish-American War. This applies not only to the opposition as a whole, hut even to such tactics as agitating among US troops against the war
John Lukacs indicates that the roots of the Cold War are to be found in the beginnings of World War II. Lukacs analyzes how Pearl Harbor resulted from the policy decisions of particular forces in the governments of Washington and Tokyo. Volume 2, Number 3; Autumn 1966 Liggio, Leonard P. “Palefaces or Redskins: A Profile of Americans” Left and
The first teach-in developed at the University of Michigan. It was held on March 24, 1965 in response to the sustained bombing of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam by the US government. This teach-in was organized by the students and faculty at the University of Michigan. Volume 3, Number 2; Spring-Summer 1967 Liggio, Leonard P. “Vietnam:
The advantage of The War in Vietnam (the controversial Republican White Paper Prepared by the staff of the Senate Republican Policy Committee) is that it seeks to understand the realities both of the recent history of the Vietnamese people and of the present political situa tion. Against these facts the Republicans re-examine the U.S.
Leonard Liggio reviews Isolationism America, 1935-1941 by Manfred Jonas. Like so much recently published scholarship Isolationism America is superficial . For the sake of general reader interest the material has not been treated with the exhaustive consideration that the topic deserves. There is a great deal of important material that is
What is the Mises Institute?
The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard.
Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order. We believe that our foundational ideas are of permanent value, and oppose all efforts at compromise, sellout, and amalgamation of these ideas with fashionable political, cultural, and social doctrines inimical to their spirit.