‘America’s Great Depression’ 50th Anniversary
From the session on “’America’s Great Depression’ 50th Anniversary,” presented at the Austrian Economics Research Conferenc
From the session on “’America’s Great Depression’ 50th Anniversary,” presented at the Austrian Economics Research Conferenc
From the session on “’America’s Great Depression’ 50th Anniversary,” presented at the Austrian Economics Research Conferenc
From the session on “’America’s Great Depression’ 50th Anniversary,” presented at the Austrian Economics Research Conferenc
This week’s quote(s) highlights why an explanation of a general boom-bust pattern of economic must be a monetary theory of the trade cycle.
As we review the Fed’s operations in 2012 we see the usual outcomes. The banking sector has benefited from its operations (unusually so, thanks to the
continued interest on reserve policy) and the government has received a free lunch by having a ready buyer for its ever-increasing debt.
If sanctity of contracts should rule in the world of private debt, shouldn’t they be equally as sacrosanct in public debt? The answer is no.
Given a choice, the people victimized by government “services” would be willing to pay to be rid of them.
President Obama's recent re-election bid included considerable pandering to women voters, including the so-called equal-pay-for-equal-work campaign.
Presented at the Mises Circle in Manhattan, hosted by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and sponsored by the Story Garschina Charitable Fund, and Anon