Liberty and Economics: The Ludwig von Mises Legacy
What kind of man was Ludwig von Mises? Here is a film that does justice to this extraordinary man, and to his equally extraordinary ideas.
What kind of man was Ludwig von Mises? Here is a film that does justice to this extraordinary man, and to his equally extraordinary ideas.
I just ran accross this article by Murray Rothbard: Ludwig von Mises and Natural Law: A C
Walter Block and Bill Barnett Mises Institute Podcast
Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending, for the second time, the Austrian Student Schol
Roderick T. Long introduces the new issue of the Journal of Libertarian Studies, which offers a cornucopia of exciting and controversial articles debating some of the central questions of libertarian theory.
In a dark hour of Mises's life, there was a glimmer of light: an invitation from New York University to speak about the contributions he had made to economic thought. The address was given in 1940, nine years before Human Action appeared on the scene.
Recorded at the Mises Institute, 7–8 October 2005.