Law v. Legislation: A Hayekian Entrepreneur in London
Toby Baxendale presents the Hayek Memorial Lecture at the 2004 Austrian Scholars Conference.
Toby Baxendale presents the Hayek Memorial Lecture at the 2004 Austrian Scholars Conference.
Richard M. Ebeling presents the Ludwig von Mises Memorial Lecture at the 2004 Austrian Scholars Conference.
Sean Corrigan presents The Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture at the 2004 Austrian Scholars Conference.
Includes Question and Answer period.
How did a masterpiece like Man, Economy, and State come to be written? Stromberg unearths Rothbard's correspondence: "I shall try to do for Mises what McCulloch did for Ricardo."
Murray Rothbard presented this speech in 1990 as the final lecture of the Mises University, in the days following the collapse of socialism.