Austrian Economics Overview

Displaying 1791 - 1800 of 1948
David Gordon

It is both essential and impossible to review these two volumes. Essential, because they include the bulk of the scientific papers written by a great Austrian theorist.It is both essential and impossible to review these two volumes. Essential, because they include the bulk of the scientific papers written by a great Austrian theorist.

Hans-Hermann Hoppe

The intellectual achievements of Murray Newton Rothbard (1926-1995)—eminent scholar and friend—are monumental. He is the author of 25 books and thousands of article in scholarly and popular journals. His work covers the entire spectrum of the social sciences: pure economic theory, history, sociology, philosophy, religion, languages, and politics.

Ludwig von Mises

Two important questions to be answered: (1) What is inflation? What causes it? What are the effects? Inflation is an increase in the quantity of money available caused by an increased in the production of gold and silver, or an over-issuance of paper money. Prices rise. Purchasing power falls.