Austrian Economics Overview
The Mises University is the world's leading instructional program in the Austrian school of economics.
Virtual Mises U is for students, professionals, business people—absolutely anyone, anywhere—who is interested in the pursuit of economic truth.
European Integration Is Dead, Long Live Monetary Cooperation
Brexit has raised some barriers to globalism, but central banks remain unimpeded in their efforts to work together to manipulate economies.
Review of Choice Cooperation Enterprise and Human Action by Robert P. Murphy
Murphy seeks to provide the reader with a "modern, condensed treatment of Mises's Human Action.
Toward a Subjective Approach to Investment Appraisal in Light of Austrian Value Theory
This paper explores the implications of Mises’s theory of economic calculation for asset acquisitions and disposals, especially the acquisition and disposal of entire business enterprises.
The Method of Mises: A Priori and Reality
The data of history would be nothing but a clumsy accumulation of disconnected occurrences if not for interpretation by systematic praxeological knowledge.
Report from Prague: Austrian Scholars Gather in “the Spirit of Mises University”
In April, a group of young scholars from all across Europe convened at the CEVRO Institute in Prague for the Second Austrian Economics Meeting Europe.