The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 19, no. 1 (Spring 2016)
This new issue features important contributions to monetary theory and policy, a novel program for re-establishing gold money, and much more.
This new issue features important contributions to monetary theory and policy, a novel program for re-establishing gold money, and much more.
The American public is "unaware" that the homicide rate in the United States has fallen by 49 percent over the past twenty years.
Evidence continues to pile up against the claim that low-incomes cause obesity thanks to insufficient access to grocery stores.
The choice between various ways of ‘measuring’ economic variations (and gauging their causes from these measurements) is arbitrary from an economic point of view, and becomes a largely political endeavor.
The paradox of "planning" is that it cannot plan, because of the absence of economic calculation.
The Lou Church Memorial Lecture sponsored by the Lou Church Foundation.
Statistics, so vital to statism, its namesake, is also the State's Achilles' heel.
The aftermath of the recent recession has brought renewed skepticism to EMH, even leading some to redefine it as the “inefficient” market hypothesis. We demonstrate that such a course of action is misguided.
If allowing markets to operate represents an "ideology" to most people, so be it. I would argue that markets represent a lack of ideology. More importantly, markets provide far and away the most practical approaches to difficult problems like terrorism.