Why Be Libertarian?
Why be libertarian, anyway? Why engage in a deep and lifelong commitment to the principle and the goal of individual liberty?
The Bitcoin Money Myth
Bitcoin is not a new form of money that replaces previous forms, but rather a new way of employing existent money in transactions.
Man, Economy, and Seoul
While walking Seoul’s Teheran Road, one gets the impression that this is the place to be. Like New York in happier times, Seoul is a capital magnet.
Bitcoin: Money of the Future or Old-Fashioned Bubble?
There is no doubt that bitcoin is a spontaneous answer to the monetary instability that we see all around us today.
The Money-ness of Bitcoins
The role of the algorithm is to ensure a declining progression of the overall stock of bitcoins, by halving the reward every four years.
Entrepreneurship and Austrian Business Cycle Theory
From the session on “Studies in Business Cycles,” presented at the Austrian Economics Research Conference.
Success from Satisficing and Imitation: Entrepreneurs’ Location Choice and Implication of Heuristics for Local Economic Development
From the session on “Applied Economics,” presented at the Austrian Economics Research Conference.
Uncertainty, Asset Specificity, and Entrepreneurial Adaptation
From the session on “Studies in Business Cycles,” presented at the Austrian Economics Research Conference.