The Austrians Were Right
People everywhere are giving much more serious thought to foundational questions about the economy.
People everywhere are giving much more serious thought to foundational questions about the economy.
If you are asked, "What, then, is to be done?" reply, "Be just to everybody."
Tax gatherer: "You have secured twenty tuns of wine? Have the goodness to deliver up to me six of the best." Vintner: "Good Heaven! you are going to ruin me."
Will anyone undertake to affirm that fire has become a greater evil since the introduction of insurance?
A magnificent canal united two large towns in China. The emperor thought fit to order enormous blocks of stone to be thrown in to render it useless.
Marx desperately sought a materialistic dialectic of history that would account for all historical change and lead inevitably to communist revolution.
If you wish to prosper, allow your customers to thrive. This is a lesson you have been very long in learning.
Between you and a Belgian, therefore, there is exactly the same difference as in my trade there would be between a blunt and a sharp axe.
"In the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread!" But everyone wants as much bread and as little sweat as possible. This is the conclusion of history.
A fallacy sometimes shrinks and contracts, assumes the guise of a principle, and lurks in a word or a phrase.