A Golden Opportunity for Switzerland
The Swiss are set to vote on a new initiative requiring the central bank to keep at least 20 percent of its assets in gold." How would such a measure be enacted and how would it affect Switzerland's economy?
The Swiss are set to vote on a new initiative requiring the central bank to keep at least 20 percent of its assets in gold." How would such a measure be enacted and how would it affect Switzerland's economy?
The Daily Bell skewers the Swiss banking class for its hostility to the upcoming gold referendum. Still, as the article points out, central bankers are now on the defensive.
Our global system of fiat moneys favors spenders and borrowers over savers.
Our global system of fiat moneys favors spenders and borrowers over savers. Low- and moderate-income households who wish to save for the future are at the greatest disadvantage, and this has led to profound cultural changes over the past century.
It’s hard to walk away from Brendan Brown’s most recent book without a feeling of deep disappointment in modern day central banks. T
In case you missed it, be sure and check out the October issue of The Free Market, now o